3 reasons why we refuse to participate in Black Friday

This Friday, November 26 will mark a new day under the sign of Black Friday , a commercial event in which we refuse to take part. And that's why!

No Black Friday at Philéone

1. Black Friday drives massive and compulsive consumption

With ever more attractive prices and well-rehearsed marketing operations, Black Friday is yet another call to consume, but also to buy things we don't necessarily need. Who has never fallen for a garment in order to take advantage of a promotion, so that it finally ends up 6 months later at the bottom of their closet?

2. Black Friday is an event imported from the United States that makes no sense in France

Designating the day of promotions the day after Thanksgiving , Black Friday is an event that makes no sense in France, where we already have two sales periods framed by the labor code. Adding a period of promotions just before the holidays, when small traders like us make our biggest sales, is a major constraint that could cost us our family business.

Moreover, at Philéone, we already practice fair prices all year round. These prices allow us to remunerate our various stakeholders decently. Refusing Black Friday also means refusing to sell off their expertise!

3. Black Friday is bad for our planet

Who says overconsumption says overproduction, and with it multiplication of greenhouse gas emissions to meet this gargantuan demand and allow all these new purchases to be brought to us. Black Friday is above all a black day for our planet!

So what to do?

At Philéone, we are committed to making our customers aware of the impact of their textile purchases. And yes, it is possible to consume differently! For example by buying less, but better. By investing in better quality parts that we can keep longer. Or by encouraging local and sustainable consumption to promote Made in France and the sustainability of our French textile know-how while reducing the carbon footprint of our purchases.

Interested in this topic ?

Find our article on our production philosophy that respects human beings and the planet , and on the 4 tips for better recycling your textile purchases .