Update on the AGEC law 🔍
The Anti-waste law for a circular economy known as AGEC provides for numerous mechanisms to regulate the environmental declarations of producers and importers, in particular of textile products.
Since January 2023 and in application of decree n°2022-748 of April 29, 2022, it is mandatory to enter information relating to the environmental characteristics of the product sold. For textiles, two particulars are mandatory: the geographical traceability of the three major manufacturing stages (weaving or knitting, dyeing and/or printing, making) and a warning on the rejection of microplastic fibers during washing for mainly synthetic textiles.
At Philéone, we are delighted with this measure, which places consumer information at the forefront, which will allow them to make a choice in conscience and knowledge of a textile consumption that is more respectful of the environment!
To know more :
1. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000041553759/
2. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000045726094